Project Cancellation
All projects are subject to cancellation. In the event of a cancellation or any client delay of more than 1 month, the deposit is kept and the remaining balance forfeited. All work to date remains property of Starvin’ Artist Graphic Design, and may be available should the project be resumed at a later date.
What if the client doesn’t like any of the designs?
Client satisfaction is highly valued. If a client doesn’t like the initial concept or concepts, we’ll revise it until it’s approved by the customer. Some projects can include a specified amount of initial concepts. Revisions or changes to a chosen concept are unlimited to most projects unless specified. Logos and websites have limited amounts of revisions. If the client is completely unsatisfied with the designs created, the project is subject to cancellation either by the client or the designer, and the remaining balance on the account is forfeited.
A designer is usually chosen based on impressions, referrals, portfolio and pricing. Pricing is commonly reflective of the level of service provided. Even with Starvin’ Artist’s budget-oriented pricing, a generous amount of revisions are provided to the original concept/concepts.
Is the Deposit Refundable?
All deposits are non-refundable.
What Forms of Payment are Accepted?
Cash, all major credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover). Credit/Debit, Checks, Money Order, and PayPal are all acceptable forms of payment. Payments can be received via internet, in person, mail, as well as over the phone.
How is the Pricing Structure Developed?
Pricing is roughly based on the time involved with the creative process, to completion, at a rate of $65-$100 per hour. Starvin’ Artist’s affordable pricing is geared toward the small business owner or startup. If a higher level of service is desired or needed, more concepts and revisions can be provided, more services can be rendered, at an additional rate.
Are client’s artwork kept on file?
Yes, we generally keep clients’ artwork and files in a folder located electronically on an external back-up system or directly on our computers locally. We generally do back-ups and store files on a regular basis, but we do not guarantee file backup. So if a client wishes to keep copies of their files electronically, we recommend getting artwork on disk.
What is “complimentary artwork”?
Complimentary artwork is given with various print packages. It is designated at no additional charge along with prints. Client does not receive artwork on disk, but may receive a low resolution copy via email. If client wishes to receive artwork on disk, or obtain original files, they may pay additional.
How is the Artwork Received?
Projects needed to be proofed via web or email, are provided as a JPG or PDF in screen resolution. Client may also come to the office for proofing. Artwork is usually not faxed because of the clarity in faxed copies. Print files are usually provided as PDF, PNG, GIF, JPG and/or TIFF. Web files are usually HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG and/or PDF. Original artwork in .AI and .PSD files are negotiable and may cost additional if needed. All files are usually emailed or may be put on disk. Artwork is usually not received when a client receives it as “complimentary” along with printing.
What is the Turnaround Time?
This depends on the extent of the client’s project and the designer’s current workload. On average projects can take as early as 3 business days to 7 business days to complete. The time frame is also dependent on how soon the client provides the necessary content and/or files, as well as feedback and approval on work in progress. Starvin’ Artist Graphic Design also provides “rush” turnaround, and can complete a project in less than 24 hours if needed. Average rush turnaround is 1-3 business days.
What is the Usual Design Process?
When the project is commenced, the client provides all pertinent information and elements such as possible design requirements or any design preferences that he/she may have. Client may also provide images required for us to use (if any). Verbiage/text associated with project is provided by the client as well. Starvin’ Artist will provide their own images and sometimes may provide help with wording on project if needed. Upon receipt of a deposit, the creative process is started then an initial concept or concepts are provided to the client. Client must then proof all artwork and text. Upon a reasonable amount of revisions, a final version is prepared then approved by client. The final payment is usually due at time of pickup or by completion of project.
What are the Office Hours?
Office hours are from 10am-6pm, Mon-Fri. We accept walk-ins as well as appointments. Call to let us know you’re on your way! 301-386-9535
What is the General Ordering Process?
The client may choose to discuss the project via email, telephone or by coming to the office. First time clients are encouraged to come by the office to see actual printed samples, paper stocks, etc.